During the cultural revolution of the 1960's and '70's, the war in Vietnam continued, daily casualties calmly reported on the evening news. Shaw, a brilliant ex-Navy Seal, has managed to come home alive after two tours in Vietnam and is now involved in black ops with Naval Intelligence, stationed in the exotic Hawaiian Islands.
The revolution had evolved into social and anti-war protests, rock 'n roll, drugs, feminism, burn-your-bras, and casual sex, arriving in Hawaii as tradewinds of change.
An unorthodox romance springs up between Shaw and Marie, his boss's daughter. From the moment they meet, sparks fly and the erotic heat between them runs as hot as the lava streaming from Hawaii's volcano, Kilauea.
Thus, the first installment of the Sliding into Black trilogy begins.
“I go back to the wind blowing my long, blonde hair around me, the delicious feeling of speed, top down on our GTO.
Young, with no sense of mortality - after all, we have everything that life has to offer in front of us.
Spring break and we’re heading to my best friend, Jen’s family condo at Myrtle Beach. Yes, yes, yes – an hour away from a needed break from the university, lectures and oh, god, the research papers! Chris and I have been going out together for over a year, exclusively for a few months. We enjoy the same things, are study buddies, come from the same small town – basically we’re best friends with benefits. We agree, it’s not love, but damn, the sex is fantastic! There doesn’t seem to be any end to the white-hot sexual attraction we have. We can’t keep our hands and lips off each other. We’re like moths to a flame.
What are your five favorite books, and why?
Tough question! I am an avid, maybe even rabid book reader! So here goes, not in any particular order, and not any favorite over the other.
1) The Bone Bed, Patricia Cornwell. I love her characters, how they seem to stand in front of you, and the intricate details that she weaves into every book.
2) Bonnie, Iris Johansen. Ms. Johansen's work fascinates me and Eve is an irrestible character.
3) Fantasy in Death by J.D. Robb. Love, love, love everything that Norah Roberts aka J.D. Robb writes. All of her characters are ultra-cool and the plots well defined.
4) Feastday of Fools, James Lee Burke. Mr. Burke has a unique writing style that is amazing in it's descriptiveness and detail. Every word leaps off the page and a picture starts forming immediately of each character, location, and each action.
5) A Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin (all 4 books). Epic story telling, like watching a movie in your head.
These are just newer books, there are many, many other authors and classics that beguile me.
How do you approach cover design?
This is a great question because personally, the cover of a book will attract me first as I am a visual person and learner. First the cover needs to pull me in and second, I like interesting pictures or drawings and hope that they give me a hint of what's inside. For Sliding into Black, it was imperative to show a Hawaiian beach, then hopefully a Shaw and Maria. It came together well!
What do you read for pleasure?
Fantasies, Science Fiction, Mysteries and Erotic Romances.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
Right now, a Kindle Fire. Love it!
Describe your desk
My desk is a mess. But don't touch it! Each stack means something and only I know what it is!
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I was a semi-military brat, lived all over the U.S. and Hawaii. So far, there is nowhere that has beat Hawaii for overall climate, beaches, things to do and see, and wonderful warm people! Hawaii has influenced my life more than anyplace I lived, except for twenty years on a horse and cattle farm. I loved writing the first book of the Sliding into Black trilogy with Hawaii as the setting - so romantic!
When did you first start writing?
I started writing as a child, mostly diaries and journals. As I progressed through school, several teachers told me that I should consider writing as a profession. But life happens. Now I have the chance to write books and am loving every minute of it.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Sharing thoughts, ideas and introducing people to new places or bringing back memories for them. Of course, there is always a release. Writing can be cathartic.
What do your fans mean to you?
My fans are why I write. They let you know what they like and what they don't pretty quick and I love the feedback - take every bit to heart and apply to the next book. You can't grow without praise and constructive criticism. I appreciate every fan!
What are you working on next?
Book 2 of the Sliding into Black trilogy. What's going on with Shaw? What will Marie do? So much fun!
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
My family, my cat and my horses!
Three couples, all friends from college on a road trip for that much needed spring break. Somehow Chris and I have gotten ahead of the rest of the kids, so we take advantage of the moment. I slide my tongue into Chris’s ear, down his neck, under his long blonde hair and down to his nipple.
Lightly I bite his nipple and circle it with my tongue, lovingly tasting the salt from his sweat.”
Link to Smashwords Interview -

T.L. Kitae is a retired journalist and magazine publisher residing in Asheville, N.C. Unable to sit still for long, she writes and attends school full time to obtain her long awaited Registered Nursing degree and license.
She is married to her long time sweetheart, enjoys riding her two horses, has a silly cat, and loves spending time with her daughter and son-in-law.
Currently she is working on Book 2 of the Sliding into Black Trilogy.
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