Boarding School was never this much fun….
Love smolders and the sex is red hot when Cassianna Baxter leaves behind a glamorous teaching career in Italy to return to her old Alma Mater, Lewiston Academy for Girls as the Deputy Head Mistress. No sooner does she arrive at the Academy than she walks smack into sexy Lawrence Taylor, her first love and ex-lover. He’s been looking for her ever since he was forced to leave her and now that she is back at the Academy he knows he has to win her back. And not just in his bed.
Red Sage Publishing Official Release Date: August 1 2013
Note to my readers:
There is nothing quite as exciting as a first love and nothing quite as painful as it’s ending. It’s a theme I think many readers can relate to in the heroine and the hero of this story, Cassianna and Lawrence. And the proper girl’s boarding school is something I can relate to from first hand experience. And I can assure you there is nothing prim and proper about what goes on between Lawrence and Cassianna at the Academy!
What happens when ex lovers meet years later -- will the attraction burn as hot? Or will it be scorching?
Academy of Love by Kate Deveaux brings you the story of Cassianna and Lawrence. I enjoyed Cassie and Lawrence story. Meeting at the boarding school that Cassie attended and Lawrence worked at, a relationship is build, but misunderstandings and some strategically placed lies breaks that foundation. Years later faith brings them back to the same place they originally met and there is where you start.
"“What are you doing here at the Academy?”
Lawrence demanded from the doorway, his gaze
intense and the tension in him showing through
his taut neck muscles.
“Me! What am I doing here?” she stammered. “I
think I should be asking you the same thing.”
“I work here,” Lawrence flashed back, his eyes
flecked with gold and full of fire.
“I work here too!”
The lines in his brow furrowed. “Since when?”
His voice rising, as he stood up even taller, filling
the doorway with his strength.
“Since four hours ago when I arrived at this
school. And don’t you yell at me!” Cassianna
gulped for air, as she sputtered angrily, “I should
be yelling at you, you’re the one that ran off and left me.”
“I’m the one that ran off?” He clenched the muscles in his neck while sparks
flashed in his eyes.
“I waited for you and you never came back.” As Cassianna spoke the angry
words, she noticed his posture softened slightly, his shoulders easing, but his
muscular chest contracted with each heavy breath, betraying his mood.
He moved towards her in one quick stride.
He was inches from her. Cassianna could feel the heat between them."
I give Academy of Love by Kate Deveaux
Contemporary and Erotic Romance Author

Born in London, England, Kate
has lived in the U.K, Canada, and the U.S. She and her husband currently reside
in Arizona. When she’s not writing
or reading, Kate can be found on the tennis court—yes, there’s even
"love" in that game too!
Kate is currently
working on several fictional stories for release next year – each filled with
sexy romance, heroines who are no shrinking violets and heroes who make your
heart skip a beat. She is a member of Savvy Author, Romance Writers of America
(RWA) and their erotic romance chapter, Passionate Ink.
Thanks for the review! Best, Kate xx